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Book the Best Annaprashanna puja Pandits in Bangalore for your Home or Office

Look no farther than us if you’re seeking for the greatest Annaprashanna  Puja Pandit in Bangalore. Our team of knowledgeable and professional pandits is well-versed in the customs and Vedic texts associated with this puja. They have participated in countless Annaprashanna Pujas in Bangalore and have won our patrons’ admiration and gratitude.


"Hire Skilled Pandits for Annaprashanna Puja in Bangalore - lakshmi narayan Puja

Sanskar Annaprashan (first rice-eating ceremony)
The celebration of a child’s first bite of solid food is known as an annaprashan. Rice or meal is referred to as “Anna,” and the verb “Prashan” means to eat. This ritual is often carried out six months into a baby’s life. It is a child’s first bite of solid food. The purpose of this ceremony is to ask God to grant the infant healthy digestive abilities. 

Experience the Power of Annaprashanna Puja with Expert Pandits in Bangalore

The Markandeya Purana describes a ceremonial practice. This ritual offers the newborn several symbolic things on a silver tray or banana leaf, including:

Book-like learning
Wealthy jewels

Pen-representing wisdom
Clay-representing property
Food-symbolizing consumption
The first scripture the youngster reads is the book. His first words. The chants and offerings invoke Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom, to protect, guide, and assist the infant study. He/she will learn wisely under her tutelage.

Jewels—symbolizing wealth: His/her first gifts sparkle with the world’s beauty. They exhibit the child the world’s riches. The rite requests Kubera, the God of wealth, to bless the infant with luck, skill, and prosperity.

Pen-symbolizing wisdom: The pen is mightier than the sword and the first power tool. To study “Astra-Shastra,” the youngster receives it. Lord Ganesha is invoked to grant the child intelligence and the capacity to learn any craft.

Clay-symbolizing property: Clay teaches the youngster about the world. The property that, with skill and imagination, can be shaped into anything. To instill creativity and ownership in children, Pandits invoke Vishvakarma, the God of creation.

This Puja’s food is the child’s first solid food. It begins his/her life cycle. Annapurna, goddess of food, blesses the kid. to grow up healthy.

Then he/she chooses. Baby’s object choice may indicate interest. After praying to Goddess Annapoorna, Brahman feeds the newborn Kheer (rice pudding) during Mhavyahritis. The event includes Poorvanga Hawanas like Ganapathi, Navgraha, and Avahanti. Annaprashan Puja corrects prenatal defects if done according to Veda.

With the help of our dependable and reasonably priced puja and homa services in Bangalore, you may enjoy the tranquility and benefits of ancient Hindu religious rites.

You may count on our team of pandits to provide you a memorable and enlightening puja experience. Set up your puja with us right now.

Open Hours:

Mon – Sun: 24 Hours

We offer a wide range of services to meet your needs, including puja booking, vedic rituals, astrology, and wedding services.Remove the trouble of booking pandits. All of the pandits on our website have been certified and are among the best in the industry.

Koramangala Passport Office
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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